The Sustainability blueprint has been prepared to assist project leads and their organisations to develop sustainability plans to optimise the use of assets for clinical placement programs. The blueprint provides an overarching framework for organisations to use in the design of their sustainability plans, taking a step-by-step approach that begins with an assessment of the project’s external and internal environments, provides guidance on cost optimisation and revenue enhancement, and concludes with an outline of some specific actions (strategies) for achieving financial sustainability. The blueprint contains information on the sustainability challenge and methods and tools to assist lead organisations to respond to the uncertainty of their funded projects. Accompanying the blueprint is a worked case study and a range of templates and tools designed to provide hands-on practical assistance to project leads and organisations as they develop their sustainability plans.
Attached Items
Sustainability Plan Case Study
Sustainability Blueprint for Funded Clinical Training Assets
Sustainability Assessment Tool
Simulation Scenario
Rural Student Accommodation Scenario
CORE Ideas Generation Template
CORE Idea Development Template
CORE Decision Tool
CORE Analysis Tool
Webinar 3 Developing, Prioritising and Implementing Ideas
Webinar 2 Situation Analysis
Webinar 1 Introduction to Sustainability