Supervisor Training and Education Program (STEP)
This project delivered an interprofessional clinical supervision training and education program and a 12 month evaluation to determine its longer-term impact upon clinical placement capacity and quality. A train-the-trainer/mentoring program was established, existing eLearning resources were enhanced and formal research was undertaken to determine the benefits of the program for clinical supervisors and its applicability across Victoria.
Teaching and learning resource development at Heathcote Health
This project purchased clinical education and training resources to fit out dedicated teaching spaces at Heathcote Health.
The interprofessional student-led clinic: Supporting older people after discharge from acute hospital admissions
This project implemented an entry-level and interprofessional student-led clinic at Peninsula Health Community Rehabilitation Centre, delivering services to recently discharged (acute) aged patients in the Mornington Peninsula CPN. Attendance consisted of mixed-discipline teams of two to four final-year students from dietetics, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry, psychology, social work and speech pathology (78 students in total); these teams were supervised by two educators. After conducting a gap analysis, the project sought to address a service delivery and workforce need within the CPN and investigate the viability and sustainability of student-led clinics, in addition to providing clinical placement opportunities to students.
Trialling an online clinical supervision education program
The Victorian Simulated Patient Network (VSPN) is an online network with supporting resources, for people with a special interest in simulated patient (SP) methodology. Online modules have been developed to support the uptake and quality assurance of SP practice amongst simulation educators, clinicians, program administrators and SPs, and to provide guidance for working with SPs in health and social care professional education. Resources include illustrations of SPs at work, scenarios, educational frameworks to support SP-based education, and links to key publications.
Undergraduate medical and nursing placements in primary care settings, specifically general practices (including after-hours services)
This project developed capacity for general practice clinical placements in the former Inner East Melbourne Medicare Local (IEMML) catchment area. The project introduced a dedicated Clinical Placement Support Officer and included a strong focus on communication and partnership building. The project also explored the use of an after-hours GP clinic for student placements.
Whole-of-system placements for professional-entry students from medicine, nursing and allied health
This project developed and piloted a Whole-of-System clinical placement (WoSSP) model for professional-entry students from medicine, nursing and allied health disciplines in the Mount Alexander Shire of Victoria. The objectives were to improve the efficiency and quality of placements for students in smaller rural health services and provide a mechanism for interprofessional learning and systems-based health education. Structured clinical learning experiences were designed to enable students to interact with patients with complex, chronic health conditions, as they journeyed through the local health system. The project was based at Castlemaine Health and involved health professional students from Monash and La Trobe Universities.
Workspace and IT support for clinical placement students
Aims to provide appropriate student space and resources for clinical placements in a clinical/PDRS rehabilitation environment.
Simulation, patient outcomes, and mental health review
In 2014–15 the Department of Health & Human Services, on advice from the Simulation Based Education and Training Expert Advisory Group, commissioned a literature review to be included in the Simulation and patient safety – the benefits for your organisation resource. The review provided an appraisal of the available literature and succinct detail on simulation and its impact on patient outcomes. Based on findings from the review the advisory group advised the department that a publishable systematic scoping review would be valuable. It was agreed that a specific focus on mental health, as identified in the review, would transform the initial literature review into a publishable systematic scoping review that contributes to the evidence base for simulation. The scoping review focusing on mental health has been provided as part 2 of this document. This review has provided the department and the wider communities of practice with an important resource to better understand the importance of simulation and its impact on mental health outcomes. It can support future strategic planning and assist in better understanding where future research gaps exist within the literature. -
Student led feedback model
The 'Student led feedback model' project aimed to improve feedback processes for students and supervisors through the development of an interdisciplinary student led feedback model. The model provides a structured, time efficient and consistent approach to formative feedback. The tool assisted to clarify student expectations and roles and provided a mechanism for documenting and following up progress. The model enhanced the ability of supervisors, regardless of their experience or training, to provide consistent feedback of a high quality and was implemented across disciplines and across placement settings.
Advanced respiratory physiotherapist (intensive care)
In order to provide improved access to bronchoscopy patients, the program employed a senior physiotherapist to work in ICU. -
Orthoptic-led diabetic screening clinic
The project involved purchasing a new non-mydriatic camera and the hiring of an Orthoptist as part of a Diabetic Screening Clinic located at Alfred Health. -
Clinical practice and evaluation framework for a limited AP podiatric surgery service
This project was developed to provide a pathway of care for clinical management of patients with toe ulcers that incorporates an AP podiatric surgery service at Austin Health. -
Expansion of a speech pathology-led FEES service at the Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre
The project involved the establishment of a speech pathology-led FEES service at Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre. -
Pharmacist-assisted electronic prescribing of medications on admission and discharge to reduce medication errors
Introducing an AP role for pharmacists, the project allowed for pharmacist-assisted electronic prescribing of medication to reduce medication errors. -
Improving the pathway of care for patients with a feeding tube/stoma managed by the HEN
The project aimed to improve the pathway of care for patients with a feeding tube/stoma that was managed by Austin Health Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN) Service. -
Dry Needling Chronic Pain Clinic staffed by podiatry and physiotherapy
This project aimed to provide an alternative program for the treatment of chronic pain for patients attending podiatry and physiotherapy services at DjHS. -
Implementation of a developmental dysplasia of hip clinic
The project involved the development and implementation of a dysplasia hip clinic within Ballarat Health Services. -
Lower extremity amputation prevention
The project involved the establishment of a lower extremity amputation prevention service unit at Eastern Health. -
Advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy service in the rheumatology clinic
The program implemented an advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy service in the Rheumatology Clinic at Eastern Health. -
Multidisciplinary care of patients receiving home enteral nutrition
The project involved creating a new multidisciplinary role to more efficiently treat HEN patients at Eastern Health.
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