A framework to promote integrated and interdisciplinary clinical placements for allied health students in aged care settings
This project mapped allied health clinical placement activity, both real and potential, in Northern Metropolitan Clinical Placement Network (Melbourne North) aged care facilities. The project established an interdisciplinary framework to deliver allied health clinical placements in these aged care settings via partnerships with education providers.
A pilot project exploring increased capacity for student placements through procurement and trial of emerging technology
This pilot project explored opportunities to increase student placement within selected community and sub-acute programs by using iPads to deliver remote supervision to occupational therapy students.
Achieving the best in the west: Cultural Respect Encompassing Simulation Training (CREST)
This project developed a pool of thirty trained and culturally diverse simulated patients (SPs) who assisted entry-to-practice learners and graduate staff with interprofessional learning via four piloted cultural sensitivity training modules and eight case scenarios using immersive simulation scenarios. The SPs came from non-English speaking backgrounds and were from six cultural groups (Muslim, Italian and Greek, Vietnamese, Iraqi, Sudanese and Chinese). Religious backgrounds and sexual orientations were also factors that were examined and taken into consideration during this process. For more information and to register for the CREST program, please visit http://commercial.unimelb.edu.au/custom-education/courses/crest.
Achieving the best in the west: Maternity simulated learning environment program
This project supported, developed and expanded the maternity workforce in the Western Metropolitan region of Melbourne (Melbourne West). The project included an application to the Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) to substitute a portion of clinical placement hours for student midwives with appropriate simulation-based education and training (SBET).
BPCLE - Quality in clinical placements in the Loddon Mallee
This project locally implemented the Best Practice Clinical Learning Environments (BPCLE) Framework and resources throughout the Loddon Mallee Region by cross-sectoral collaboration and cooperation. The project promulgated the benefits of the BPCLE Framwork and resource templates, identified and engaged adoption champions and identified barriers/solutions.
BPCLE implementation support for Loddon Mallee CPN expanded settings health services
Builds upon the partnerships developed during previously funded projects to facilitate rollout and uptake of BPCLE Framework in Loddon Mallee CPN expanded settings.
Capacity building for clinical placements across Southern Metropolitan CPN: A focus on community placements and supervisory capacity
This project facilitated effective and efficient usage of clinical placements within the community setting of the Southern Metropolitan (Melbourne South) CPN by identifying latent capacity and maximising opportunities for clinical placements of undergraduate health professional students from across all disciplines.
Central Clinical Simulation (CCS) Program
This project developed a coordinated network of simulation facilities in the CPN along with interprofessional resources for simulated learning which increased regional simulation hours for entry-to-practice students and other health professionals. This involved collaboration between: Melbourne Health, the Royal Children's Hospital, the Royal Women's Hospital, Epworth Freemason's Hospital and the University of Melbourne.
Central Hume interprofessional clinical placement pilot
This project expanded an existing, inter-organisational Graduate Nurse Program to professional-entry clinical placements for nursing and allied health students. This included sharing resources, establishing inter-organisational student placements, supporting students and developing partnerships.
Chronic disease training facility project
This project engaged a dedicated chronic disease training manager to develop and implement a syllabus for chronic disease management and assessment, initially for use within the Macedon Ranges and North Western Melbourne Medicare Local and the Western Metropolitan CPN, but with potential application to other like entities in future. The project also introduced new audiovisual aids to support the delivery of the syllabus.
Clinical simulation learning centres (CSLC): Enhancing simulated learning environment (SLE) services in the Hume Region
This project established a Simulation-Based Education Training (SBET) Network in the Hume CPN and provided increased access to high quality simulation training and education for clinical staff and students, particularly staff at smaller rural health services, aged care facilities, and community health services that do not have extensive in-house simulated learning environment (SLE) resources, delivery space or in-house expertise.
Clinical supervision support across contexts (ClinSSAC)
This project (formerly known as: a multi-modal clinical supervisor training system for quality, efficiency and sustainability), developed and delivered supervision training across three CPNs: Southern Metropolitan, Western Metropolitan and Mornington Peninsula. Participants were also given access to an online platform and discussion forum through which supervisors can network and share knowledge and experiences. As a capacity building measure, a number of training programs were targeted to community health and aged care.
Clinical supervision training in the Loddon Mallee
This project developed four interrelated, yet independent, modules for supervision training and delivered these to five hundred clinicians in the Loddon Mallee CPN. The modules include a train-the-trainer component and this was delivered to ten trainers over the course of the project. The project also produced a supervision guidebook to further support supervisors in practice.
Cultural safety and awareness for clinical supervision - the Aboriginal midwifery and nursing project
This project delivered cultural safety training to supervisors thereby improving the quality and cultural awareness of supervision delivered to indigenous students.
Development and integration of Centres of Excellence in simulated-based education and training in the Northern CPN
This project has equipped simulated learning sites across the Northern Metropolitan CPN (Melbourne North) and has broadened access to simulated learning opportunities via mobile simulation. Through the establishment of formal partnerships between health services and education providers, this project drew together the collective expertise and physical resources in simulation-based education and training (SBET) and developed a coordinated approach to access and use these resources across the CPN.
Development of a simulated program in a new HWA-funded integrated student supervised clinic
This project delivered simulated learning opportunities within an interprofessional student clinic that included face-to-face interviews with simulated patients and videoconference link ups for real-time observation.
Eastern Health SLE initiative for outer metropolitan and rural clinical sites
This project purchased and equipped a mobile simulation van alongside developing an education and simulation training centres across the eastern metropolitan region. The focus of the simulation training is on delivering care in community health environments.
Enhanced patient assessment skills
This project implemented an interdisciplinary simulated learning program to provide undergraduate students with training in recognising and managing deteriorating patients.
Enhancing clinical skills and collaborative working: Developing an interprofessional simulated learning space
To expand simulated learning environments (SLE) in the Mornington Peninsula CPN by building a multi-professional clinical skills centre to be used by undergraduate and postgraduate students and by qualified staff undergoing professional development.
Establishing a statewide simulation facilitator pool and extending VSA's capacity to support health educators
The Victorian Simulation Alliance has established a statewide Simulation Facilitator Network to support Victorian health services and education providers to source and provide appropriately-prepared simulation educators and facilitators. Through an online search system, the facilitator network connects organisations involved in simulation education directly with simulation educators, facilitators and technicians seeking employment.
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